Thanks everyone for visitng our last show for the year that was 2009. It has flown by at super sonic speed, but we look forward to the new year and we promise it will be a good one. Happy holidays... be sure to eat too much food, drink too much wine and sleep too little over the stupid season. See you all soon
Andy Jenkins Anthony Lister Alex Kopps Jonathan Zawada Porous Walker Trent Whitehead Mark Alsweiler Ainslie Fletcher French Ozzie Wright WeBuyYourKids Max Doyle Numskull Edward Woodley Steph Hughes Courtney Brims Alex Knost Nolan Hall Andrew Gordon Justin Lee Williams Ryan Heywood Joseph Allen Shea Murdoch Stafford Mark Drew Beastman Simon Degroot Beci Orpin Paul Mcneil Jae Copp Luke Taaffe Pedro Ramos Max Olijynx Karl Kwasny Charlie Hillhouse Luke Shirlaw Alex Gillies Darko Yimmy Yayo Megan Cullen Mia Taninaka Phibs Kareena Zerefos Fee Harding Sam Ash Shida
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